Re: SunOS syslog() fix, finally...

Lawrence R. Rogers (
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 08:23:41 -0500

> >         102903-01       Solaris 2.3 (requires 101318-75)
> >         102904-01       Solaris 2.4 (sparc) (requires 101945-34)
> >         102905-01       Solaris 2.4 (ix86) (requires 101946-29)
> there did not seem to be any mentions about the need of recompiling
> sendmail, etc in the README file, which was mentioned in the cERT
> advisory. since it basically just patched the libc.a, I suppose no
> other modification is needed?
> Jake "Data" Luck               DANCE FOREVER                <>
> Technical Assistant of and Control Strip Modules Archive Maintainer
> -o--o-o-o--o----oo A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.

Under SunOS 4, sendmail 8.7.1 is linked statically using the supplied
Makefile.  For SunOS 5, it is a dynamic executable, again using the default
Makefile.  So, for SunOS 4 and SunOS 5 (if you compiled it statically), you
need to rebuild sendmail to get the latest syslog subroutine.  If you did
linked sendmail dynamically under SunOS 5, then loading the patches above will

BTW - the following patches are available for SunOS 4.X.  Note that these are
the international and not domestic patches.

        100891-13 - SunOS 4.1.3
        101558-07 - SunOS 4.1.3_U1
        102545-03 - SunOS 4.1.4

                                        Larry Rogers
                                        Member of the Technical Staff
                                        CERT(sm) Coordination Center
                                        Software Engineering Institute
                                        Carnegie Mellon University
                                        Pittsburgh, PA  USA  15213-3890

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